Quick start#

nemseer lets you download raw historical forecast data from the MMSDM Historical Data SQLLoader, cache it in the parquet format and use nemseer to assemble and filter forecast data into a pandas.DataFrame or xarray.Dataset for further analysis. Assembled queries can optionally be saved to a processed cache.

Core concepts and information for users#


Refer to the glossary for an overview of key terminology used in nemseer. This includes descriptions of datetimes accepted as inputs in nemseer:


AEMO ahead process tables with forecasted results typically have three datetime columns:

  1. A forecasted time which the forecast outputs pertain to

  2. A nominal run time. For most forecast types, this is reported in the RUN_DATETIME column.

  3. An actual run time

    • The actual run time can differ from the nominal time. For example:

      • The 18:15 P5MIN run (RUN_DATETIME) may actually be run/published at 18:10 (LASTCHANGED)

      • The 18:30 PREDISPATCH run (PREDISPATCHSEQNO, which is parsed into PREDISPATCH_RUN_DATETIME by nemseer) may actually be run/published at 18:02 (LASTCHANGED)

The glossary also provides an overview of the various ahead processes run by AEMO, including:


Parquet files can be loaded using data analysis packages such as pandas, and work well with packages for handling large on-memory/cluster datasets (e.g. polars and dask). Parquet offers efficient data compression and columnar data storage, which can mean faster queries from file. Parquet files also store file metadata (which can include table schema).

Types of compiled data#

nemseer has functionality that allows a user to compile data into two types of in-memory data structures:

Managing memory#

Some queries via nemseer may require a large amount of memory to complete. While memory use is query-specific, we suggest that nemseer be used on a system with at least 8GB of RAM. 16GB+ is preferable.

However, there are some things you can try if you do run into issues with memory. The suggestions below also apply to large queries on powerful computers:

  1. You can use nemseer to simply download raw data as CSVs or to then cache data in the parquet format. Once you have a cache, you can use tools like polars or dask to process chunks of data in parallel. You may be able to reduce peak memory usage this way. It should be noted that nemseer converts a single AEMO CSV into a single parquet file. That is, it does not partition the parquet store.

  2. Conversion to xarray.Dataset can be memory intensive. As this usually occurs when the data to be converted has a high number of dimensions (as determined by nemseer), nemseer will print a warning prior to attempting to convert any such data. While xarray integrates with dask, this functionality is contingent on loading data from a netCDF file.

Processed cache#

The processed_cache is optional, but may be useful for some users. Specifying a path for this argument will lead to nemseer saving queries (i.e. requested data filtered based on user-supplied run times and forecasted times) as parquet (if the pandas.DataFrame data structure is specified) or netCDF (if the xarray.Dataset data structure is specified).

If subsequent nemseer queries include this processed_cache, nemseer will check file metadata of the relevant file types to see if a particular table query has already been saved. If it has, nemseer will compile data from the processed_cache.


Because nemseer looks at metadata stored in each file, it does not care about the file name as long as file extensions are preserved (i.e. *.parquet, *.nc). As such, files in the processed_cache can be renamed from default file names assigned by nemseer.


Saving to netCDF will let you load xarray objects into memory. However, saving these datasets to netCDF files may take up large amounts of hard disk space.

Deprecated tables#

If tables have been deprecated, nemseer will print a warning when the table is being downloaded. Deprecated tables are documented here.

What can I query?#

nemseer has functionality to tell you what you can query. This includes valid forecast types, months and years for which data is available and requestable tables.


While these functions allow you to explicitly query this information, it’s worth noting that functions for compiling data and downloading raw data validate inputs and provide feedback when invalid inputs (such as invalid forecast types or data date ranges) are supplied.

Forecast types#

You can access valid forecast types with the command below.

>>> import nemseer
>>> nemseer.forecast_types

Date range of available data#

The years and months available via AEMO’s MMSDM Historical Data SQLLoader can be queried as follows.

>>> import nemseer
>>> nemseer.get_data_daterange()

Table availability#

You can also see which tables are available for a given year, month and forecast type.

Below, we fetch pre-dispatch tables available for January 2022 (i.e. this month would include or be between run_start and run_end):

>>> import nemseer
>>> nemseer.get_tables(2022, 1, "PREDISPATCH")

Descriptions of tables and columns#

AEMO’s MMS Data Model documentation describes the tables and columns that are available via nemseer.

To use this documentation, first find the package that corresponds to the forecast type you are interested in. Some of the package names differ from the forecast types that nemseer uses. For example, tables for STPASA are obtained using the nemseer forecast_typeSTPASA, whereas the same tables are documented by AEMO within the STPASA_SOLUTION package.

Once you locate the right package, you can find descriptions of the tables made available by nemseer.


For some pre-dispatch table (CONSTRAINT, LOAD, PRICE, INTERCONNECTORRES and REGIONSUM), there are two types of tables. Those ending with _D only contain the latest forecast for a particular interval, whereas those without _D have all relevant forecasts for an interval of interest.

Compiling data#

The main use case of nemseer is to download raw data (if it is not available in the raw_cache) and then compile it into a data format for further analysis/processing. To do this, nemseer has compile_data.

This function:

  1. Downloads the relevant raw data[1] and converts it into parquet in the raw_cache.

  2. If it’s supplied, interacts with a processed_cache (see below).

  3. Returns a dictionary consisting of compiled pandas.DataFrames or xarray.Datasets (i.e. assembled and filtered based on the supplied run times and forecasted times) mapped to their corresponding table name.

For example, we can compile STPASA forecast data contained in the CASESOLUTION and CONSTRAINTSOLUTION tables. The query below will filter run times between “2021/02/01 00:00” and “2021/02/28 00:00” and forecasted times between 09:00 on March 1 and 12:00 on March 3. The returned dict maps each of the requested tables to their corresponding assembled and filtered datasets. These datasets are pandas.DataFrame as data_format="df" (this is the default for this argument).

>>> import nemseer
>>> data = nemseer.compile_data(
... run_start="2021/02/01 00:00",
... run_end="2021/02/28 00:00",
... forecasted_start="2021/03/01 09:00",
... forecasted_end="2021/03/01 12:00",
... forecast_type="STPASA",
... raw_cache="./nemseer_cache/",
... data_format="df",
... )
INFO: Downloading and unzipping CASESOLUTION for 2/2021
INFO: Downloading and unzipping CONSTRAINTSOLUTION for 2/2021
INFO: Converting PUBLIC_DVD_STPASA_CASESOLUTION_202102010000.CSV to parquet
>>> data.keys()

In the example above we include argument names, but these can be omitted.

You can also just query a single table, such as the query below:

>>> import nemseer
>>> data = nemseer.compile_data(
... "2021/02/01 00:00",
... "2021/02/28 00:00",
... "2021/03/01 09:00",
... "2021/03/01 12:00",
... "STPASA",
... "./nemseer_cache/",
... )
INFO: Downloading and unzipping REGIONSOLUTION for 2/2021
INFO: Converting PUBLIC_DVD_STPASA_REGIONSOLUTION_202102010000.CSV to parquet
>>> data.keys()


nemseer also accepts datetimes with seconds specified, so long as the seconds are 00. This is because the datetime fields that are relevant to nemseer functionality are specified to the nearest minute.

With datetimes specified down to seconds, you can the same datetimes for nemseer as you would for other related tools, such as NEMOSIS or NEMED.

We can also compile data to an xarray.Dataset. To do this, we need to set data_format="xr":

>>> import nemseer
>>> data = nemseer.compile_data(
... "2021/02/01 00:00",
... "2021/02/28 00:00",
... "2021/02/28 00:30",
... "2021/02/28 00:55",
... "P5MIN",
... "./nemseer_cache/",
... data_format="xr",
... )
INFO: Downloading and unzipping REGIONSOLUTION for 2/2021
INFO: Converting PUBLIC_DVD_P5MIN_REGIONSOLUTION_202102010000.CSV to parquet
INFO: Converting REGIONSOLUTION data to xarray.
>>> data.keys()
>>> type(data['REGIONSOLUTION'])
<class 'xarray.core.dataset.Dataset'>

Compiling data to a processed cache#

As outlined above, compiled data can be saved to the processed_cache as parquet (if data_format = “df”) or as netCDF files (if data_format = “xr”).

If the same processed_cache is supplied to subsequent queries, nemseer will check whether any portion of the subsequent query has already been saved in the processed_cache. If it has, nemseer will load data from the processed_cache, thereby bypassing any download/raw data compilation.

With a supplied processed_cache, we can save the query to parquet (data_format = “df”) or to netCDF (data_format = “xr”):

>>> import nemseer
>>> data = nemseer.compile_data(
... "2021/02/01 00:00",
... "2021/02/28 00:00",
... "2021/03/01 09:00",
... "2021/03/01 12:00",
... "STPASA",
... "./nemseer_cache/",
... processed_cache="./processed_cache/",
... )
INFO: Query raw data already downloaded to nemseer_cache
INFO: Writing REGIONSOLUTION to the processed cache as parquet

And if this saved query is a portion of another subsequent query, nemseer will load data from the processed_cache:

>>> import nemseer
>>> data = nemseer.compile_data(
... "2021/02/01 00:00",
... "2021/02/28 00:00",
... "2021/03/01 09:00",
... "2021/03/01 12:00",
... "STPASA",
... "./nemseer_cache/",
... processed_cache="./processed_cache/",
... )
INFO: Query raw data already downloaded to nemseer_cache
INFO: Compiling REGIONSOLUTION data from the processed cache
INFO: Writing CASESOLUTION to the processed cache as parquet

Validation and feedback#

compile_data will validate user inputs and provide feedback on valid inputs. Specifically, it validates:

  1. Basic datetime chronologies (e.g. run_end not before run_start)

  2. Whether the requested forecast type and table type(s) are valid

  3. Whether the requested run times and forecasted times are valid for the requested forecast type. In other words, forecasts that are run between run_start and run_end only produce data for a certain range of forecasted times. This varies between forecast types. For more information, refer to the forecast-specific datetime validators.

Getting valid run times for a set of forecasted times#

If you’re interested in forecast data for a particular datetime range (i.e. between forecasted_start and forecasted_end) but not sure what the valid run times for this range are, you can use generate_runtimes.

This function returns the first run_start and last run_end between which forecast outputs for the forecasted times are available.

In the example below, we request run times that contain data for the forecasted times used in the compiling data examples:

>>> import nemseer
>>> nemseer.generate_runtimes("2021/03/01 09:00", "2021/03/01 12:00", "STPASA")
('2021/02/22 14:00', '2021/02/28 14:00')

You can see that in the compiling data examples we had a wider run time range. This is fine since filtering will only retain run times that contain the requested forecasted times. The inverse is not true: compile_data will raise errors if the requested forecasted times are not valid/do not have forecast outputs for the requested run times.

Downloading raw data#

You can download raw data[1] to a cache using download_raw_data(). This function only downloads data to the raw_cache.

CSVs can be retained by specifying keep_csv=True.

Unlike compiling data, only one set of datetimes needs to be provided (though these datetimes are keyword arguments for this function):

  1. Provide forecasted_start and forecasted_end only. nemseer will determine the appropriate run_start and run_end for this forecasted range (via nemseer.generate_runtimes()) and download the corresponding raw data.

  2. Provide run_start and run_end only. Dummy forecasted times are used.

>>> import nemseer
>>> nemseer.download_raw_data(
... forecast_type="P5MIN",
... tables="REGIONSOLUTION",
... raw_cache="./nemseer_cache/",
... forecasted_start="2020/01/02 00:00",
... forecasted_end="2020/01/02 00:30",
... keep_csv=False
... )
INFO: Downloading and unzipping REGIONSOLUTION for 1/2020
INFO: Converting PUBLIC_DVD_P5MIN_REGIONSOLUTION_202001010000.CSV to parquet

Alternatively, provide run times:

>>> import nemseer
>>> nemseer.download_raw_data(
... forecast_type="P5MIN",
... tables="REGIONSOLUTION",
... raw_cache="./nemseer_cache/",
... run_start="2021/01/02 00:00",
... run_end="2021/01/02 00:30",
... keep_csv=False
... )
INFO: Downloading and unzipping REGIONSOLUTION for 1/2021
INFO: Converting PUBLIC_DVD_P5MIN_REGIONSOLUTION_202101010000.CSV to parquet